This Woman Slammed This Poor Dog Against Her Bedroom Wall Again and Again

  • al: Care2 Team
  • destinatario: Chard Police, Somerset, United Kingdom

An unidentified young woman in Chard, United Kingdom thought it would be a good idea to film herself abusing a small dog. Now people want justice for the helpless black-and-white terrier.

In the video, the woman can be seen, picking up the poor dog and launching it against a bedroom wall again and again. After the first toss, the pup lands and tries to scramble away but the woman grabs it again and relaunches it against the wall, this time even harder. Even though there is no audio in the video, one can imagine the pooch's eardrum-piercing yelps and howls of terror.

The video has been seen thousands of times with people reacting in shock and dismay:

"I can't even believe any person would hurt their pets like this, it really does make me sick to the core." says one commenter.

After online uproar, officials visited one residence and confiscated several dogs but it is unclear whether or not anyone has been held accountable for the dog's abuse. This cannot be how the story ends. Now that the supposed dog in question is safe, it's time to go after the sick woman who committed these abuses.

Please sign the petition and ask the Chard Police to charge the woman with animal cruelty and prosecute her to the fullest extent of the law.

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