Remove all ANIMAL HATE related pages from Facebook!!!

  • al: Yen Brouwer
  • destinatario: Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook co-founder, Chairman, and CEO) and Sheryl Sandberg (Facebook COO)

We ask Facebook to remove all Animal Hate related Accounts from their website.

There is enough cruelty as it is, without people "Promoting" how to torture and murder all kinds of animals in the most horrifc way and posting these graffic images on their Facbook Page.

Dear Mr, Madam,


We ask Facebook to remove all Animal Hate related Accounts from their website.

There is enough cruelty as it is, without people "Promoting" how to torture and murder all kinds of animals in the most horrifc way and posting these graffic images on their Facbook Page.

This is just one example...

As a leading Internet Social Media they need to step up against all this horror instead of ignoring us when we report these pages and giving every sick psychopat the chance to show off with the most cruell ways of killing dogs, cats and other living creatures with details in their Facebook Account.

Which means , Facebook supports Animal Cruelty, and that is something the majority of people and Facebook users can no longer tolerate !!!

There were set us serveral petition to urge Facebook to remove these accounts, but without any result ...

So now we ask you again,

PLEASE FACEBOOK MANAGENT, do the right thing and remove all accounts which refer to Animal hate and/or cruelty from your Website. !!!

Thank you.

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