Save Chanco's Grant and Powhatan Creek

Chanco's Grant and Powhatan Creek are currently under threat from rezoning that will significantly impact the safety and quality of life in Chanco's Grant and surrounding communities. The proposed Colonial Woods Rezoning and Residential Cluster intends to construct 49 tightly concentrated houses in the southern portion of Chanco's Grant by extending William Bedford into the forested area adjacent to Powhatan Creek. William Bedford will see a dramatic increase in residential and commercial vehicle traffic as it will serve as the only artery in to and out of Chanco's Grant. Ironbound Rd. and Hickory Signpost will see a significant increase in traffic as well. The project will devastate roughly 20 acres of environmentally sensitive forested lands that run along the southern portion of Chanco's Grant and disturb the habitat of the many species that live along the adjoining northern edge of Powhatan Creek's wetlands. The heavy traffic, loss of green space, and overdevelopment of this area of James City County will undermine the natural and historical integrity of our community. We are asking members of our community to petition against this proposed development by emailing the WJCC Planning Board at and leaving a comment below on this petition.

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