Dear Hmong American Inc. Board Members:
We, members and allies of the Hmong community, would like to address the recent issue of a sexual violence allegations against one of the contestants, specifically Txoov KabYeeb Vaj (Ken Vang), who is a candidate for Prince Charming Competition that will be held at the Hmong American New Year in Falcon Heights, MN on November 11-12, 2017. After weeks of trying to get in contact with them, we are outraged at Hmong American Inc. for continually ignoring these serious concerns. In addressing the pervasive problem of sexism, sexual violence , and other forms of gender-based violence in our community, we hope that the Board members listen and make an effort to bring in real and lasting change to the Hmong community.
According to a 2010 research study conducted by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 in 3 Asian American and Pacific Islander women and 1 in 6 AAPI men experience some form of sexual violence.
We know that sexual violence is real and happens in our community. It is no secret. We understand that the ways our community and some of our leaders have dealt with sexual violence is to sweep it under the rug. We have seen time again instances of victims/survivors being blamed for what happened to them, victims/survivors being silenced for speaking out, victim/survivors being labeled as liars, persons who have caused harm protected by family and community, and in some instances forcing the victims/survivors to marry the person who committed sexual violence towards them. Instead of calling out sexual violence and holding the person who has done the harm accountable and responsible, some of those in our community has constantly given excuses such as “it’s a part of our culture” or blaming and invalidating the survivor’s experience. Our community has long upheld rape culture. It is time to start holding people who have caused sexual violence accountable for their actions. We must be proactive and progressive about sexual violence and accept that it is wrong for a person to force another person into any sexual act and/or engage in any sexual behaviors. We must speak out against sexual violence in our community, especially when we are leaders and have the platform to garner the attention of our wider community.
We are concerned that the Hmong American Inc. Board Members have failed to address this when one of their contestants has allegations of sexual assault towards them. For an organization to be as influential and impactful as Hmong American Inc. is, we are ashamed that they contribute to the marginalization of victims and survivors of sexual assault.
The signatories of this letter demand that Hmong American Inc. Board members take allegations of sexism, sexual violence, and other forms of gender-based violence seriously and not trivialize and/or silence those who are willing to speak out. We also demand:
An immediate disqualification of Txoov KabYeeb Vaj (Ken Vang) from the Prince Charming competition, making him ineligible to compete in this year’s and any future competition(s) associated with Hmong American Inc.’s Hmong American New Years.
Develop policies, practices and procedures that disqualifies candidates who have any sexual violence allegations or wrongdoings before, during, or after the pageant
An implementation of mandatory ongoing sexual violence trainings for all staff members, board members, current candidates and potential candidates of the Hmong American New Year.
All training and coordinating staff must be held to the same level of expectation as contestants. In the case that they also perpetuate violence and assault, they will be dismissed immediately from their duties, as they are unfit to train contestants.
A public apology from the Hmong American Inc. to the family of the survivor and the community at large for their mishandling of the situation; failure to properly address the situation, invalidating the victim, and ignoring the requests of the victim and their family.
We demand this public apology be done at the Hmong American New Year.
We demand this public apology be done through all communications channels used by Hmong American Inc. Includes but not limited to their social media and official website page.
Hmong American Inc. must commit to addressing publicly the issue of sexual assault and sexism within the organization and in the Hmong community.
Annually allocate part of the Hmong American Inc. funding to specifically reflect programming in advocacy and trainings focused on sexual assault, sexual violence and other forms of gender-based violence in the community.
Please acknowledge that all of these demands are not the end and by no means achieve all of the goals we will set forth. We are in the process of finalizing long-term goals which we hope to collaborate on regularly with all members of the community.
We expect for all of these demands to be met promptly and with integrity. We stand by all victims and survivors of sexual assault. Our community will not stand idle. Until these demands are met, we will not support HANY or Hmong American Inc. We encourage you to consider this impact on the future.
The Allies and Members of #NotSoCharming
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