Ban "Poor Doors" For Apartment Buildings in New York City

The New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development is allowing real estate developer Extell to build a luxury condo building on the Upper West Side that will have a "poor door," a separate entrance for rent-regulated tenants who live in affordable housing units. 

The proposed 33-storey building is to have 219 units that look over the NYC waterfront and 55 affordable units in a "building segment" that faces the street.

That's not the only way that apartment buildings in New York City more and more, reflect the divide between rich and poor in the city. In many luxury buildings, low-income tenants are also barred from using amenities (gyms, playgrooms, rooftop gardens and pools) available to wealthy tenants.

When Extell proposed its plans for a building with separate entrances at 40 Riverside Drive in August 2013, the idea was met with staunch opposition. But the Department of Housing Preservation and Development recently approved Extell's application and said that it qualifies for the city's Inclusionary Housing Program under which developers can construct larger properties provided that these include lower-cost units. 

Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer has pledged to reject any future developments with separate entrances for tenants. Tell Mayor Bill DeBlasio to rescind the approval for Excell's planned bulding at 40 Riverside Drive and to ban "poor doors" for buildings in New York City!

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