The Horseheads Town Board, led by Mike Edwards, is planning on closing our beloved Horseheads Animal shelter.  This will be accomplished by consolidation with the Elmira Shelter.  Our shelter is one of the most caring and compassionate shelters in the area offering services which provide enrichment to both young and not-so-young residents of this community, loving care and respect for all animals brought to our shelter, from young to senior, healthy to sick, neglected, or abused, we take them all, and offer many other services above and beyond the functions of many animal shelters.


Actualizar #1hace 10 años
Thanks to all for supporting our Save the Horseheads Animal Shelter. We have met with the Town of Horseheads Board, and they are willing to work with us on ways to save the shelter. We are exploring ways to raise money to keep our local shelter open and will keep you updated.
Thanks again to all who love animals and want to see our shelter stay open.
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