I want my dog back

I want my dog back he is my service dog his name is Major I love my puppy I have had him since he was 71/2 weeks of age he'll be six in Oct.his training was provided by the U.S. Veterans, he is not with me as of this moment I'm in a nursing facility I'll be going home Sunday June 7,2015 I need to be reunited with him I'm hoping that I don't have a problem getting him back however I'm going too! I was taken to the hospital last Oct, and was there until Jan. now I'm in a nursing facility after I was taken to the hospital my neighbors were watching him, somehow this man named Glenn McNeely took Major and gave him to his family physician, which is good for Major he is being well taken care of, I called Glenn last Tuesday and told him I was coming home and I wanted my dog back, he said "What do you mean" and he hung up on me I called him back and got his answering machine and left him a message saying that if I don't get my service dog back that I was going to have him arrested Wednesday I called him and left another message saying that I want my dog back this Monday and If I didn't I was going to press charges against him, He called me back about an hour later and said that if I leave any more threatening messages he was going to have me arrested I said fine go ahead you will be hearing from my attorney..I called an Attorney and he said that he never heard of such a thing and knows of no laws about this matter and If I feel my dog was stolen to call the police I did and they said I can't do anything while I'm here, I will have to wait until I get home, So I called animal control and the women I spoke to said she would try to find out what she can do, I haven't heard from her as of yet. I want my dog back there must be something that can be done, about when a person get sick and has to go into the hospital...I just want my puppy back, I miss him so much there hasn't been a day that has gone by without the thought of Major, we been together everyday since I have had him, being a service dog I can take him anywhere I go....

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