Ask the U. S. Congress to pass the Voters' Choice Amendment

  • al: Albert Fecko
  • destinatario: The Congress of the United States

We the undersigned call on the U.S. Congress to pass a constitutional amendment to give Ranked Choice Voting options with all federal elections.

Ranked Choice Voting is a method of voting in which voters rank candidates in order of preference - first choice and second choice. All first choices are tallied and in a single-winner race, if no candidate receives a majority of first-choice votes, the less popular candidates are eliminated and ballots cast for these candidates are redistributed to more popular candidates, based on their voters' second choices, until one candidate wins with a majority. As a result, every vote counts and very few votes are "wasted.” Voters cast their vote for their favorite candidate knowing that if that candidate doesn't gather enough votes to win, their vote will count toward their second choice. This will permit people to choose their favorite candidates without fear of "throwing away" their vote. This will make federal elections more accurately reflect the will of the people.

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