We can stop burning fossil fuels together and now!

    People everywhere burn fossil fuels to make energy, but what are the consequences? The greenhouse gases released in the atmosphere trap the sun heat and make the Earth's temperature increase. It is called climate change and it has many consequences such as wildfires, sea level rise, droughts, hurricanes, ... . And we also get endangered from it. I am concerned about this problem because I do not want our planet to be lost-we do not want to go live on Mars, do we? If the level of CO2 in the atmosphere, our whole ecosystem will be disturbed, and it will have a big impact on our lifestyle: The land will be smaller because of sea level rise, and also drier because of the heat. Life in the ocean will be disturbed, some species of fish will die and the whole food chain will changed. We could end up with no meat, no fresh food, and people having their lives based on animals will have to completely change their career. So how can we decrease the amount of CO2 in atmosphere ? Directly by burning less fossil fuels, but if we stop everything, it could also have consequences, because we learned to live with this energy source in our daily life. So a solution would be to find an alternative energy source such as solar energy or hydroelectric energy. We can also stop driving cars, but try to make long distances by foot, by bike, or by bus. But any of the solution you personally choose, has to be done now, or otherwise it will be too late.
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