Ask Vegusto to stop selling lethal 'vegan cat food'

Humans are omnivores, we can do fine on vegan diets. Cats however are obligate carnivores. They eat and need meat. Just like lions and other big cats. To make a cat vegan is to inflict on it a slow cruel death. 

A story about a 'vegan kitten' that almost died hit the headlines recently:

Please join me in asking Vegusto to stop selling vegan cat food. They cater for vegans and vegetarians who are animal lovers. To stock what they call a complete vegan cat food is misleading to customers and lethal to their cats.

After signing please consider contacting them through their 'contact us' section:

Or write to them at:
Unit 1 Ashwyn Business Centre, Sheddingdean Industrial Estate, Marchants Way, Burgess Hill, RH15 8QY

Dear Mark Galvin of Vegusto,

Please stop selling vegan cat food. The fact is cats are not omnivores like us, they cannot survive as vegans. They are obligate carnivores and need meat. Consequently your product will likely be the cause of suffering and death in many much loved pet cats. This will likely mean a lot of negative news stories about your company and possibly legal action from bereaved cat owners.

Please read this article


Tamlyn Mills 

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