Tell Microsoft, Dissection is Cruel!!

We need your help to take a stand against animal cruelty!! According to Animalearn, Microsoft ran a full-page ad, "Slippery Assignment", in major newspapers, making light of a cruel dissection lab. The ad shows a grinning student taking a video with his phone of a dissected frog, jokingly called Senor Frog.                                                   

Animalearn urges you to tell Microsoft that dissection is cruel, not a laughing matter. Ironically, computer giant Microsoft should be showcasing the innovative educational technologies that provide excellent alternatives to dissection, such as Digital Frog and Froguts, to name only a few.

Dissection is a problem, not a joke. Millions of animals are unnecessarily killed for dissection labs. Animalearn found that in 2012 alone, 300,000 frogs were caught in Mexico transported to the US, and killed for use in science education labs. 

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