Please sign this petition because it's a cruel and inhumane practice for a dog to live his life from 10 weeks or younger on the end of a chain attatched to a dog house in all kinds of weather, 12 months out of the year, until he dies...I have personally watched this and it is a horrible thing to watch a young puppy with wagging tail tied to a dog house jumping, and crying, trying to get free, and day after day crying and jumping until he finally gives up crying and jumping from sheer exhaustion and just stands staring at the closed door of the house...and then finally , as he gets older, he stops coming out of his house unless its time to eat or to get a drink and then disappears inside again unless a car drives up and then comes out to bark, which is his only job in life...and eventually he becomes the dog he is destined to become...a dog who will bite anyone who comes close to him....