Stop Equine Slaughter of Horses for Food Consumption

Without your signature, The Tapawa Tribe is herding all the stray horses or foals from the U.S. & Canada to make money on horsemeat due to the fact it was stopped in the U.S.  The factories now are in Canada & Mexico.  Please put a stop to this travesty & sign this petition, PLEASE!!!!!!

Actualizar #1hace 10 años
In regards to the needless horse slaughtering, just in Nevada alone in the past 40 yrs. The BLM has given the cattlemen 6 MILLION acres of land that was suppose to be just for the horses. In a few instances the ASPCA of Canada looked elsewhere when the horses were being abused. They have no cover in those corral they're herding them into, even when it snows & alot die!
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