Update as of 3/6/18: We now know of an advisory board that has been created by Zinke named the "International Wildlife Conservation Council", consisting of 16 members, all of whom are tied to trophy hunting, making this a totally one sided panel.  Anyone can see that this rotten scheme has the word "trophy" emblazened all over it.  Furthermore, $250k of our tax dollars are  budgeted for their expenses, such as travel, staff time, etc.  Get storyhere:  http://chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/politics/ct-trump-wildlife-board-trophy-hunters-20180315-story.html

Meanwhile, you can take action by doing a few things.  CALL the WH phone line at 202 456 1111 to leave a comment.    1. to request this council be shut down, 2. to request that any decisions made in the 3/16/18 meeting and there after be revolked 3. request the immediate halt of permits on elephant and lion imports.  4. to request a review of the heads of these two agencies requesting their resignation, to create an opening for a true conservationist, whose committment is to the preservation of each species and not that of pleasing those who profit by gunning them down.   You can  TWEET your messages to: @POTUS and @realDonaldTrump. Or, you can EMAIL President Trump at: http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/

President Trump has stated that he doesn't believe that trophy hunting contributes to conservation and referred to it as a "horror show".  We must hold him to his personal belief and not allow him to be swayed by those who serve in his cabinet or those who are family members. 80% of Americans oppose of trophy hunting.

We believe that by banning the imports of wildlife body parts throughout Africa, trophy hunters will be discouraged from hunting in Africa ever again.  Please show your support by signing and sharing this petition to let President Trump know where you stand on trophy hunting.

Presently, TH is allowed in Zimbabwe, Zambia, Mozambique, Namibia, Tanzania, Cameroon, and Gabon, regardless of the level of decline in their elephant or lion populations. 

However,  there's an import ban in Zimbabwe and Zambia, but that may soon change to a case-by-case basis.  This is an effort of USFWS Director Sheehan, to undermine a bill passed by President Obama, and later enforced by President Trump when challenged in 2017 by Secretary Zinke.  Therefore, we call on their resignations  as they have often compromised their positions, to please those who have interest in financial gain from trophy hunting, and those who are trophy hunting enthusiast, thereby neglecting their duty to preserve the wildlife.  More on this below.

It's well known that the criteria of the hunt is to seek the biggest and the strongest of the species, thereby, weakening already vulnerable populations, and has proven to have an impact on the gene pool. 

According to a 2016 report by the World Tourism Organization, "wildlife based eco-tourism generated an estimated $34.2 billion in tourist spending in 2013".  In comparison, this by far exceeds what trophy hunters bring to the table.  

It's proven that the trophy hunter's claim of providing the community with revenue only employs a few people and the money from hunt fees only amount to 3%. None of their claims have been substantiated.    As safari club members, they engage in pay-to-slay games for competition and entertainment.  Games are intended for entertainment and enjoyment only, and in no way should "killing" ever be a game!

As stated above, we call on the resignation of Secretary Zinke and USFWS Director Sheehan.  As avid hunters, there has been questionable activity and close ties with safari club officials which raises too many concerns.

We have learned that while attending the recent SCI's Las Vegas Convention, Mr. Sheehan, the Director of USFWS, met with officials and stakeholders from 6 of the 7 mentioned countries, to further seal the fate of African iconic species.  This is not in the best interest of what is defined as "conservation".  He has aligned himself with wealthy trophy hunters who without their support, the safari club would not be as prominent as it is today.

In Oct 2016, the director "quietly" began issuing permits allowing African lion trophies from Zimbabwe and Zambia to be imported.  There's only one reason to keep that quiet!

In 2016, DOI Secretary Zinke ordered an arcade game called "Big Buck Hunter Pro" to be installed in the DC  Hq, a move he foolishly thought would promote wildlife and habitat conservation.  Now we know of the biased,16 panel board he formed consisting totally of trophy hunters and gun makers. 

RECAP: Sheehan and Zinke are avid big game hunters and strong supporters of the well known US safari clubs and have close relationships with certain African officials who encourage trophy hunts on their turf, for their questionable gain.

America can no longer participate in enabling Africa to sell their treasured wildlife for blood money, so that our pompous citizens can gun them down for pleasure, to hang their heads on their game room walls for ego-gratification.  Its Preposterous!  Lets find a way to correct the mistakes of the past and bring dedicated conservationist into these agencies who are truly interested in the preservation of Africa's amazing wildlife.

Actualizar #4hace 7 años
It's become clear to me where the corruption lies so I'm targeting these individuals. It's the only way so the petition has been rewritten. If you'll notice, this petition is different from the others as our goal is to STOP the TH in AFrica, and it demands the resignation of the 2 culprits who are feeding into this corrupt business. Read the petition again and please share. Also read the article. .https://blog.humanesociety.org/2018/03/somethings-rotten-u-s-fish-wildlife-service.html
Actualizar #3hace 7 años
Urgently needed...more signatures and shares to push this through.

Currently, trophy imports into the US are banned from Zimbabwe and Zambia, but what about South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, and Namibia? At the SCI Las Vegas, Greg Sheehan of USFWS was seen meeting with delegates and stakeholders from these countries. President Trump himself said he does not believe imports promote conservation. That should apply to all wildlife body parts. We must #SayNoToTrophyHunting

Actualizar #2hace 7 años
I have rewritten the petition to hopefully give it more impact. I have now adied 2 more names along side President Trump. These men have both worked on animal rights issues. Care 2 gives this a year to run, but I'm hoping I won't need a year to collect that many signatures, which are btw, thousands. If you know of any organizations that you can share it with, please do. I am asking for everyone's help on this to save the wildlife from the vicious trophy hunters. Thank you.
Actualizar #1hace 7 años
Thanks to everyone who has given this a great Kickstart by signing and sharing. Please remember to keep sharing occasionally to keep the momentum up. This is a brand new petition written just yesterday 1/ 21/18. It's a very important issue as you know and hopefully with everyone's voice, we can stop the wealthy egotistical trophy hunters from killing Africa's beloved wildlife. Just because one possesses lots of money doesn't giveven one the the right to kill trophy animals.
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