Update.......... She is out of hiding, with more scams. Carolyn Birdlady Freeman, The so called face of the Falcons. Has mislead and scammed fellow Falcons fans, time and time again. She is a poor representative of The Falcons. And should have not been allowed to be the face during the Superbowl festivities. She had over 300 disappointed Falcons fans, that were stuck in Georgia. While she grabbed  a flight to Houston. It's time for her to Rise Down. She attended the SuperBowl festivities with Media Appearances, drunken live post, carrying herself with no signs of concern for those stranded.  All a big joke. Why not behind to nake your people are  covered. After threats of Lawsuits and Media Coverage, most have received their money back. But Carolyn never took ownership of causing the mess up.Never offered a public apology. Just lies of what she planned to do.  According to a source. She also offered T-Shirts. To this date those T-shirts were never received. After complaints went through PayPal, money were refunded but months later after negotiations. Do not continue any business with this Scam Artist. Her Autograph charges ,meet and greets and fund raisings,are all to support her wardrobe and transportation. Do Not Fall For It. BAN HER!

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