Justice for Addie

  • al: CQS
  • destinatario: Honorable Nicole M. Price, Commonwealth's Attorney

On July 18, 2014, Addie, a sweet dog rescued four years ago from the Sullivan County, TN, Animal Shelter, was a victim of sexual abuse that left her with a 50/50 chance of survival and required surgery at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. Please show your support for the work Honorable Nicole M. Price, the Commonwealth of Virginia’s Attorney, is doing to prosecute James Michael Foran, the registered sex offender who raped Addie.

Here is a news article covering Addie’s story: http://www.tricities.com/news/article_36ebe04e-6b4e-11e4-a90a-f34ccbc58080.html

To follow Addie's recovery, advocate for her, and work to change existing animal abuse laws, please join us at Addie's Law on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1397108877176517/

Here is the contact information for those wishing to send a personal letter:

Honorable Nicole M. Price
Washington County Courthouse
191 East Main Street
Abingdon VA, 24210

I am sure you are quite familiar with the case in which James Michael Foran is charged with bestiality, and I don’t need to repeat the facts and allegations. Not only are Foran’s actions against an innocent creature repulsive, but his ability to build the victim’s trust for a lengthy period before the attack echoes behavior of serial child molesters; he is clearly a practiced predator.

The community response to this news is utter, disgusted shock. Many have expressed that they have never heard anything so disturbing. It doesn’t take an animal lover to recognize that a person so sick he desires another species or a child for sexual pleasure is a misfit in our society; James Michael Foran is an abuser of convenience who will target any easy victim, whether animal or infant. Thank you for acting on behalf of the innocent in our society, bringing this man to justice and making our streets safer.

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