Thank NYPD & ASPCA for Joint Fight Against Animal Cruelty

  • al: Sue Lee
  • destinatario: CEO of NYCPF Susan L. Birnbaum & Matthew Bershadker, ASPCA President

Gratitude and applauds goes out to the New York Police Department who works very closely with the ASPCA in a joint effort to stop animal cruelty and abuse throughout the state.  So many crimes against innocent animals, without a voice go unsolved, non-preventable and facing appropriate charges!  We have to support and acknowledge the great state of New York and their fabulous law enforcement department for taking great strides against the crime of animal abuse and cruelty by joining forces with the ASPCA.  Read full article at

Animal cruelty seems to be an endless crime, with too many sweet animals falling victim to people with poor intent and horrific intentions.  With organizations like this working together, the voiceless will have a much better chance at living happy, healthy lives.  As stated in the Huffington Post, at its core, this is not just a partnership between public organizations. It's truly a four-way partnership among the ASPCA, the NYPD, the New York City Police Foundation and - crucially - the people of New York City. Citizens would then have the motivation and resources to help animals in crisis throughout the city and state. 

Along with the people, the New York law enforcement has the valuable new resources to help them close animal cruelty cases, while the ASPCA is be able to help more at-risk animals make the transition from victims and evidence to pets and companions. It is an advancement towards a win-win situation. This collaboration makes it clear that animal protection is not just a priority for NYC agencies, but a hallmark of New York City overall. Let’s support this effort by signing and sharing this petition.  Hopes are that more cities and states across our great nation could eventually follow suit and protect defenseless animals who cannot protect themselves from the criminal-minded.


CEO of NYCPF Susan L. Birnbaum & Matthew Bershadker, ASPCA President – We just want to applaud you for your efforts in protecting innocent animals throughout New York by connecting with the ASPCA.  We encourage you to do all you can to stop the animal cruelty and abuse of the voiceless creatures and stop these crimes.  Hopes are that your success in this new program will spread nationwide and protect defenseless animals everywhere from those that are criminal-minded. Thank you and continue your efforts to full success of this program and helping those that cannot protect themselves.

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