Dog With Chain Reportedly Embedded in Neck Deserves Justice

    Target: Brian Haas, State Attorney for Polk County, Florida

    Goal: Punish the man who allegedly abused and neglected one dog and four puppies.

    One dog had to have surgery and four puppies suffered from severe malnutrition when they were allegedly abused and neglected. The adult dog had seemingly been tied up outside for so long that the chain embedded into her neck. Demand justice for these innocent animals.

    “It makes no sense whatsoever to have pets if you’re just going to leave them outside and totally neglect them,” stated Sheriff Grady of the Polk County Sheriff’s Department. Their Agricultural Crimes Unit responded to an anonymous call regarding one adult dog and four puppies who appeared to be injured and starving. They arrived in 51-year-old Fernandez Gunter’s backyard to reportedly find an adult dog with a chain embedded into the skin of her neck. Three seemingly malnourished and flea-infested puppies wandered the yard without access to food or water and a fourth puppy had died.

    The puppies have since recovered and been adopted. The female dog underwent surgery to repair her neck injury and is now available for adoption. Gunter has been charged with felony animal cruelty. Sign below to demand that he receive the maximum penalty possible, if convicted.


    Dear State Attorney Haas,

    A dog endured terrible pain and suffering when she was allegedly tied up outside for an extended period of time. Her chain embedded into her neck, per reports, and caused a wound so severe that she needed surgery to recover. She was not the only victim of this apparent cruelty, though. Four flea-infested puppies were also seemingly neglected and starved to the point of malnourishment and one of them died.

    Fernandez Gunter has been charged with felony animal cruelty in this case. This apparent animal abuse and neglect is unacceptable, and the he must face justice if found legally responsible. I demand that you prosecute this case and seek the maximum penalty possible.
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