Stop State-Sponsored Rape: Make it Illegal for Police to Have Sex With Sex Workers Before Arresting Them

Rachel is a former Alaskan sex worker. In the video above, she tells a story of a time she went to meet someone at a hotel. This person had sex with her to completion, then immediately after, informed her that she was going to be arrested. The "client" was actually a cop.

It is not uncommon for police to have sexual contact with sex workers before arresting them for prostitution. This is actually state-sponsored rape, and it's perfectly legal in Alaska.

This institutional rape is morally wrong and a poor means to make the public safe. It must be stopped. Women like Rachel do not feel respected, believed, or even safe when reporting any type of violent crime, like sex trafficking or assault, to the police, and that has to change!

In 2013, Alaska made it illegal for police to have sex with people in their custody and/or to use the threat of arrest to coerce someone into sex, but it is still legal for police to trick prostitutes into having sex with them before arresting them. A recent survey showed 90% of Alaskans agree that police officers' sexual contact with suspects, victims, or arrestees should be against the law.

It is time to tell Alaska to make it illegal for police to have sex or sexual contact with crime victims or suspects who they are investigating.

Please listen to Rachel's story in the video above, and sign this petition to ask Alaskan legislators to propose or support legislation to put an end to this practice.
Dear representative, 

Rachel is a former Alaskan sex worker. Once, she went to meet someone at a hotel. This person had sex with her to completion, then immediately after, informed her that she was going to be arrested. The "client" was actually a cop. 


It is not uncommon for police to have sexual contact with sex workers before arresting them for prostitution. This is actually state-sponsored rape, and it's perfectly legal in Alaska.

This institutional rape is morally wrong and a poor means to make the public safe. It must be stopped. Women like Rachel do not feel respected, believed, or even safe when reporting any type of violent crime, like sex trafficking or assault, to the police, and that has to change!

In 2013, Alaska made it illegal for police to have sex with people in their custody and/or to use the threat of arrest to coerce someone into sex, but it is still legal for police to trick prostitutes into having sex with them before arresting them. A recent survey showed 90% of Alaskans agree that police officers' sexual contact with suspects, victims, or arrestees should be against the law.

It is time for Alaska to make it illegal for police to have sex or sexual contact with crime victims or suspects who they are investigating.


Please propose or support legislation to put an end to this practice.
Actualizar #1hace 7 años
Your signatures are making a difference! House Bill 112 has been introduced and will make it illegal for police to have sex with sex workers prior to arresting them. Please share this petition with your friends. We need all the signatures we can get before the bill is voted on and will deliver signatures soon. Thank you!
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