Demand an end to needless horse deaths and injuries at Royal Ascot

Ascot is one of the most well-known racecourses in England, and  also one of the most deadly for horses racing on the flat . There have been deaths at the June Royal Ascot meeting for the last four years. Pushed beyond their limits in the name of entertainment, horses suffer injuries that lead to them being destroyed. Please sign this petition to demand that the Ascot management implements common-sense measures to make racing less hazardous for the vulnerable animals being used for human entertainment.

Animal Aid’s Horse Racing Consultant, Dene Stansall says:

‘After 2014’s shameful Royal race meeting it would have been expected that Ascot would do all it possibly could to avoid further deaths. Yet, this appears not to be the case. Not only have we witnessed a fatal injury to a horse in the presence of the Queen but, shockingly, abuse with the whip by jockeys with what a leading racing journalist recently described as ‘a win at all costs’ approach. It is time the welfare of race horses was independently reviewed and concerted action taken to stop horses suffering.’

These injuries and deaths don't need to happen. Please sign this petition to demand an independent review and that appropriate steps are taken to improve horse welfare at Royal Ascot.

Actualizar #1hace 7 años
In June 2016, we presented this petition to Ascot Racecourse Management calling for an independent inquiry into recent horse deaths at the course. The petition had raised a massive 118,000 signatures.

After ten weeks of silence from Ascot Management, the racecourse finally issued a pitiful and negative response. Their key point was blunt: "We do not feel we need to conduct an enquiry… they were injuries that could happen anywhere…"
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