Congress: End the Suffering of Wild Animals in Traveling Circuses for Good

  • al: Alicia Graef
  • destinatario: U.S. Congress, House Committee on Agriculture

The Traveling Exotic Animal Protection Act, which would end the use of wild and exotic animals in traveling circuses over concerns about their welfare and safety risk, is in need of a congressional sponsor!!

According to Animal Defenders International (ADI), there are an estimated 300 wild and exotic animals in U.S. circuses today. For them, life is restricted to unnatural barren enclosures and long journeys in between being used as performers for our entertainment.

Research and undercover investigations have exposed not only the problems inherent with keeping animals this way, but also the heartbreaking and violent abuses they're exposed to behind the scenes that range from having food withheld to being beaten in training and blatantly mistreated.

While wild animals have been used in circuses for decades, we know so much more about what these animals need to be physically and psychologically healthy and that circuses can never meet these needs even with the best of intentions.

It's time for the U.S. to join almost 30 other countries that have already passed legislation banning wild and exotic animals in circuses or are working towards that goal.

Please sign this petition urging your representative to be a leader for animal welfare by sponsoring this historic piece of legislation.

As someone who is concerned with animal welfare, I am writing to ask you to support federal legislation that will protect exotic and wild animals from circuses.

The Traveling Exotic Animal Protection Act will amend the Animal Welfare Act to end the use of wild and exotic animals in circuses, which will not only improve their welfare but also keep the public safer.

According to Animal Defenders International there are an estimated 300 wild and exotic animals in U.S. circuses today. For them, life is restricted to confinement in barren enclosures and long journeys in between being used as performers for profit and entertainment.

Both research and undercover investigations have exposed not only the problems inherent with keeping animals this way, but also the heartbreaking and violent abuses they're exposed to behind the scenes that range from having food withheld to being beaten and blatantly mistreated.

While wild animals have been used in circuses for decades, we know so much more about what these animals need to be physically and psychologically healthy and that circuses can never meet these needs even with the best of intentions.

Knowing better should mean doing better and in many places it already has. It's time for the U.S. to join the 27 other countries that have already passed legislation banning wild and exotic animals in circuses.

I sincerely hope you will take a stand for animal welfare and public safety by supporting and co-sponsoring this historic piece of legislation.

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