Stop Dropping of 1080 Poison on Stewart Island
- Prevent irresponsible and indescriminate use of 1080 - a lethal toxin banned or strictly controlled in its use in all civilised countries except New Zealand
- 1080 kills all native and introduced animal species and poses a serious health risk to humans in very low and potentially sub-detactable concentrations and these risks will effect any locals or transients (tourists, trekkers etc) that may inadvertantly come into contact with the material or drink water contaminated with 1080. The same risk applies to humans that consume meat from animals having ingested 1080 such as deer, pigs, goats and rabbits
- 1080 breaks down to fluoride ion (also highly toxic) under various conditions but pellets may remain dormant for months if they enter areas where little rainfall occurs Fluoride ion will be taken up in the soil, waterways and in aquatic species
- There are many more cost effective and safer methods of controlling pests other than the use of a highly toxic material that poses such high risk
- Drinking water has the potential to be contaminated with pathogens generated from the rotting carcasses of animals that have died as a result of ingesting 1080
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