Peta Kills thousands of animals while claiming they care about animal rights. they develop spin offs of cherished child games such as Pokè-mon and Super Mario and lace our childhood memories with images of animal abuse and poisons peoples minds to associate fun with killing animals. I used to enjoy those games as a kid now all I can think about is horrific acts done by PETA every time. I gave my three cats to PETA once because our house was destroyed by a flood, and now I find out they were killed! a modest life is better than no life. they claim to be the most caring people for animals yet kill thousands, and make video games about it, at this point PETA alone has nearly desensitized me to animal death. My whole life I thought there was really a knight in shining armor animal rights group, but turns out they animals by the thousands. Theyre always willing to take your animals, and theyd rather pay even more to have them killed then stop taking animals till they can find homes! millions of people turn to PETA for hope, so their pets can have life, yet they kill them, because they cant afford to feed them, from spending to much money on lawsuits, creating more violent game spin-offs and so many other things! they hired female models in bikinis for a save the "chicks" movement. which in my opinion was a pretty sub-par attempt of generalizing beauty, and the tacky clichè "chicks in swimsuit ads" its just so demeaning to women and men both. Also lets not forget when they released that 'save the whales' billboard and fatshamed the people who werent vegetarians, and They would rather make video game knock-offs that associate animal killing and fun within kids on a more graphic notation which is bad enough but they spend so much money on other things! They are spending thousands of dollars to take away thousands of dollars from a photographer for uploading a picture of a monkey! (you heard that right) whats next? Ive seen countless videos online of dogs doing tricks or being cute wheres the lawsuits? Americas funniest home videos has made a ton of money off of animal videos! They're obviously attacking him for personal reasons. They claim to care for animals yet they cut the funding needed to feed thousands of cats and dogs(then they spent even more money on top of that to kill them, and claimed they euthanized them cause they would have starved!) If I spent all my money on my personal interests and my dog was starving to death so I shot it, would that seem right to you? yet they keep taking animals in and spending thousands on killing them, and advertising, while ignoring their available capacity and funding required to provide care for them. They alone have done a thousand times worse than what people have gone to jail for in terms of animal cruelty. Something needs to happen about this! Stop donating to peta and donate to local shelters instead! that way there will be more safe havens for animals across the country, and your donations wont be spent on advertisments, graphicly obsense games, female models, billboards that fatshame people, and other ridiculous things. I would gladly devote my own time to running an animal rights charitable organization that actually saves animals lives instead of starving them and then killing them because they are hungry.
Year /Received Transferred Adopted Killed
2017 2,445 585 44 1.8% 1,809 74.0%
2016 1,963 478 57 2.9% 1,411 71.9%
2015 1,974 446 60 3.0% 1,456 73.8%
2014 2,631 252 39 1.5% 2,324 88.3%
2013 2,175 311 46 2.1% 1,792 82.4%
2012 1,843 130 19 1.0% 1,647 89.4%
2011 1,992 34 24 1.2% 1,911 95.9%
2010 2,345 63 44 1.9% 2,200 93.8%
2009 2,366 31 8 0.3% 2,301 97.3%
2008 2,216 34 7 0.3% 2,124 95.8%
2007 1,997 35 17 0.9% 1,815 90.9%
2006 3,061 46 12 0.4% 2,981 97.4%
2005 2,165 69 146 6.7% 1,946 89.9%
2004 2,655 1 361 13.6% 2,278 85.8%
2003 2,224 1 312 14.0% 1,911 85.9%
2002 2,680 2 382 14.3% 2,298 85.7%
2001 2,685 14 703 26.2% 1,944 72.4%
2000 2,681 28 624 23.3% 2,029 75.7%
1999 1,805 91 386 21.4% 1,328 73.6%
1998* 943 125 133 14.1% 685 72.6%
Total 44,846 2,776 3,424 7.6% 38,190 85.2%
These are their operating expenses from 2017 alone
International Grassroots Campaigns
Public Outreach and Education
Research, Investigations and Rescue
Cruelty-Free Merchandise Program
Supporting Organization Activities
Supporting Services
Membership Development
Management and General Expenses
Total Operating Expenses
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