Build New Skate Park BEFORE Current Park is Taken Down.

The skateboard community wants to be guaranteed that a new park of greater or equal quality be built before current park is taken down.

"Under no situation do we see our development moving forward without a new skatepark," Jim Vayo, head of Renaisance Developer, Nashua Operation.--Union Leader, January 28, 2013, article titled: An unclear course set for Nashua skatepark's move, by Simon Rios, Union Leader Correspondent,

photo courtesy of Eric Lucci 


Dear Mayor Lozeau:

The skating community would like a skatepark built before the current one is destroyed.

I am a skater Mom. My son, Tyler "TV" Vickery has been a skateboarder for many years. The boys at the skate park are like my sons. It is a major part of their lives. It gives them a physical outlet and a healthy social network. For many of them, it is a way of life. The park is recognized as one of the best skate parks in New England. Please do what you can for this cause.

Thank you,

Linda L Vickery
20 Warton Rd
Nashua NH 03062
photo courtesy of Eric Lucci

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