End the Suffering of Horses: Urge USDA to Implement Anti-Soring Rules Immediately!

  • al: Care2 Team
  • destinatario: U.S. Department of Agriculture

Soring is a cruel practice that involves intentionally inflicting pain on a horse's legs or hooves to enhance their performance in shows, creating an exaggerated high-stepping walk. This not only causes immense suffering but also damages the horses' long-term health and well-being.

In a distressing move, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has postponed the enforcement of vital anti-soring regulations until April 2025, under pressure from industry groups. This decision to delay critical protections exposes horses to additional months of unnecessary pain and cruelty – all to appease industry interests.

Sign the petition to demand the USDA implement anti-soring regulations immediately!

The anti-soring regulations will significantly improve the Horse Protection Act of 1970. These changes are designed to end self-policing by the industry, ban devices associated with soring, and strengthen the enforcement of rules against such abuse.

Despite overwhelming public support and legislative backing, the USDA has yielded to challenges from various state agriculture departments and industry lobbyists. This delay is a clear prioritization of political and industry interests over the welfare of animals, allowing for continued exploitation and abuse.

Sign the petition to demand the USDA prioritize animal welfare and implement the anti-soring regulations without further delay!

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