FDA; Don't Allow Cloning of Cows to Get More Beef Meat

  • al: Sue Lee
  • destinatario: Government Officials, the FDA, Mr. Lawrence & Mr. Hawkins of the WTAMU Animal Sciences Dept.

Please sign and share this petition in an effort to ask the USDA to put a ban on cloning cows for the purpose producing more beef for the market sales. Cloning is an unnatural process, creating unhealthy cows for monetary gain. Lets encourage the FDA to stop cloning cows despite the outcome.


Farmers and handlers of cattle believe that the meat of a cloned cow is extremely better than the cows born in the natural, healthier manner. These people have no concern for the animals but the almighty dollar despite the difficulties faced by cloned cattle. The process is quite disturbing from start to finish.


Scientist discussed a matter where two cows were decease. A tiny bit of meat was all it took to grow cells, extract the DNA, and insert it into an egg cell from a cow. At first they cloned a bull from the carcass of a dead steer—which, being a steer, had been separated from its testicles at an early age and had never sired anything while it was alive. Then they made three more clones from the carcass of a heifer—a female that had never given birth before it was fattened and slaughtered. From there the discussion led to what exceptional meat these clones would produce.


Clones are often conceived in a petri dish in a laboratory. In cloning, you take the DNA of an adult animal, even a dead animal, and insert it into an egg cell that has had its nucleus removed. An electric shock is one of the tricks that help get the cell dividing and growing into an embryo. It is not discussed openly, however that cloning results in unnatural animals and a tremendous loss of animal life. Cloning results in animals with grossly oversized heads, twisted limbs, and bloated fetuses to malformed kidneys, immune system deficiencies, and respiratory distress, cloned animals and their surrogate mothers suffer from any of a variety of severe health problems, abnormalities, and deformities that are seen only rarely otherwise.


An animal advocate spokesperson states that the cloning process does “create serious animal welfare concerns that limit the acceptability and utility of the present technology. The health and welfare of a significant proportion of clones has been found to be adversely affected." What those in favor of cloning cows fail to admit is that due to the current level of suffering and health problems of surrogate dams and animal clones, there is no ethical justification for cloning animals for food.


Additionally, a significant number of cloned animals, as well as surrogate mothers who carry clone pregnancies, suffer serious and painful diseases and deformities to produce each ‘successful’ clone.   Seemingly healthy cloned animals have been known to unexpectedly and suddenly develop health problems later in life.   Research has shown that these animals are weaker and less likely to survive than their conventional counterparts.   Cloning increases the commodification of animals and promotes intensive farming practices, which negatively affect animal welfare at a time when consumers are increasingly demanding that farmed animals be treated more humanely.

The government should not lift the moratorium on animal cloning until the animal welfare problems associated with cloning are thoroughly considered and properly addressed. There is minimal success in cloning a healthy cow and they, along with the dam offer suffer unnecessary disease, pain and discomfort. We have to put an end to such practices. Please sign and share this petition in an effort to ask the USDA to put a ban on cloning cows for the purpose producing more beef for the market sales. Cloning is an unnatural process, creating unhealthy cows for monetary gain. Lets encourage the FDA to stop cloning cows despite the outcome for profit.


Thank you for signing and sharing this petition as we make ourselves heard; stop cloning cows just to produce "better" meat and make profits. Such a practice is detrimental to the health of the clone and its surrogate mother. Thank you for your support on this matter.


Government Officials, the FDA, Mr. Lawrence & Mr. Hawkins of the WTAMU Animal Sciences Dept. - Please stop treating animals inhumanely just for profit by cloning cows. It is documented that cloning cows produces animals with grossly oversized heads, twisted limbs, and bloated fetuses to malformed kidneys, immune system deficiencies, and respiratory distress, cloned animals and their surrogate mothers suffer from any of a variety of severe health problems, abnormalities, and deformities. It is not natural and affects the health of the cloned calf and the dam. Stop cloning cows and treat cattle in a natural and humane manner!

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