Demand Safe Streets for Altadena North Park Residents, Pedestrians and Cyclists, Now!

The increased high volume of commuter traffic along 33rd Street and surrounding streets, particularly through the Altadena subdivision of North Park and Burlingame subdivision of South Park, poses a dangerous and imminent risk to pedestrians, bicyclists, and residents. At certain times of the day much of this traffic is travelling either to or from Saint Augustine High School. Saints is a valued member of our community - the challenge is that it happens to be located deep in an otherwise quiet residential area. Almost all students, parents, staff and visitors arrive and leave by car. Because 33rd Street is a feeder to the 805 Freeway, it in particular bears much of the neighborhood traffic burden. This has resulted in multiple incidences of parked cars being 'side-swiped', the USPS mailbox on 33rd & Redwood being demolished by a reckless driver, and one parked car being totaled, in recent memory. The community's concern is that a child could be struck next.



  • Increase safety for adult/child pedestrians and bicyclists on 33rd Street, 32nd Street and surrounding streets;
  • Reduce the volume of vehicles travelling on 33rd Street and 32nd Street between I-805/North Park Way and Nutmeg Street;
  • Reduce the speed of vehicles travelling on 33rd Street and 32nd Street between I-805/ North Park Way and Nutmeg Street;
  • Reduce 'side-swiping' of parked cars on 33rd Street and 32nd Street;
  • Restore the feeling of well-being and social street activities in the neighborhood.


Possible Solutions:

  • A 15mph speed limit on 33rd Street from Upas Street to Palm Street;
  • Speed bumps on 33rd Street between Thorn and Redwood;
  • A four way stop on 33rd Street and Redwood;
  • A traffic study of 33rd Street and the surrounding areas to determine if current vehicular flow rate exceeds daily capacity limits
  • Opening a conversation with Saint Augustine's High School to explore ways of possibly reducing the number of Average Daily Trips (ADT's) that it generates and ensuring that members of its community drive carefully through the neighborhood.


The 33rd Street Safe Traffic Alliance is optimistic that if we all work together various traffic calming measures may be implemented that will result in increased public safety and a sense wellbeing for all residents of the Altadena subdivision and the surrounding area.

When completed this petition will be forwarded to office of 3rd District Councilperson Stephen Whitburn, the Police Department and Saint Augustine High School.

Actualizar #5hace 2 años
Final Update: Councilmember Whitburn is meeting residents next Thursday, April 7th, at 5:30pm at the McKinley Elementary joint use park. We encourage all petitioners to attend and voice your concerns in person! Event details page here:

This will be the final update regarding this petition. If you'd like to stay informed and involved in this initiative, please email to be added to our email list for future updates. THANK YOU ALL!
Actualizar #4hace 2 años
Extremely pleased to announce that City Councilmember Whitburn has responded to our petition and asked to personally meet with residents to better understand the impact of the commuter traffic issues on our neighborhood! Thank you to all who contributed to this petition (and still growing!). All are welcome to join the Listen and Learn with Councilmember Whitburn.

Thurs April 7th, 5:00pm at McKinley Elem

Full event details here:

Hope to see you all there!
Actualizar #3hace 2 años
We are still taking new comments and will resubmit! At 150, the petition was delivered to Councilman Whitburn, Saint Augustine, SDPD and the Mayor's office! Thank you ALL for contributing and supporting. Now, we get to work on short and long term solutions that protect our children from reckless drivers and provide a sense of wellbeing for our community. The letter accompanying the petition is here:
Actualizar #2hace 3 años
CORRECTION: Due to a miscommunication, the last update was inaccurate. Very pleased to clarify that in addition to speed enforcement, Councilman Whitburn’s office is actively pursuing ALL possible solutions, including stop signs and speed bumps. Your comments have helped underscore the severity of the traffic issues on 33rd Street and the surrounding area and action is finally being taken. Will continue to share material updates as they develop. Thank you all!
Actualizar #1hace 3 años
Some good, some not, updates: Whitburn's office has officially requested additional enforcement along 33rd Street. Sgt Minter with SDPD Vision Zero program has notified us that speed enforcement will begin soon.

Disappointingly, Whitburn's office has declined to work through the process on stop signs and speed bumps. We will pursue these measures in other ways, but encourage all to voice their disappointment directly:

Keep sharing and THANK YOU!
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