Advertisement of free poaching of elephants in Namibia

Legal poaching of elephants is not at all good and it is brutal if i can say.These animals want to live too.Elephants are being killed in mass numbers and while everyone is trying to save them,you are trying to bring them to extinction...these animals need you and me.Please stop this.Thank you.

Actualizar #2hace 10 años
According to EHRA(Elephant-Human Relations Aid),35000 elephants were killed last year and 4 are killed every hour.
Lets stop this by signing and sharing this petition as more permits are being issued by Namibian government to kill these animals and taking bookings for 2015 to kill more.

Let's do it,we are almost there...
Actualizar #1hace 10 años
***********SAY NO TO THIS!!!************
***A hunter pays for the privilege of shooting the elephant, the local community then receive money to help offset the cost of damages caused by the elephant, as well as its meat.***

please read the whole thing here...
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