Maximum punishment for Mr Valentin Stocker who has driven a boar family to death !!

  • al: Kurt Amsler
  • destinatario: District Court at Zurzach / Switzerland. 
 Mr. Cyril Kramer, President of the District Court

Deliberately a boar mother and her three piglets were driven to death on a corn field in the municipality of Böttstein, Aargau, Switzerland.
Now the police has found the OFFENDER !
His name is Valentin Stocker from Böttstein Switzerland who has brutally killed the animals. He is now accused by the public prosecutor with four times animal cruelty and animal murder.

Under Article 26 of the Swiss Animal Protection Act, a maximum of three years in prison for this crime are possible. In addition to that - up to 6 months imprisonment can be added, for false testimony during the investigation by the police and public prosecutor.

Now it is important that the pathetic animal killer Valentin Stocker will be punished to the MAXIMUM for tis barbaric act.

Valentin Stocker is by the way, in regard to violations of the Animal Welfare Act, a repeat offender.
On his farm cows and calfs were kept permanently chained in his barn for years, with no natural light and possibilities to walk around !

This Petition is going to:
Mr. Cyril Kramer, President of the District Court at Zurzach / Switzerland.
Mr. Marbet Guido, Head of Justice,
Mrs Plüss Franziska, Chief Judge, Vice-President
Mr. Sigg Christian, Court President

We demand the absolute and maximum penalty for Valentin Stocker, on behalf of the tortured, injured and killed boars !!!

P.S. Moreover, it is important to withdraw his driving license as a preventive protection, because of public danger and reckless driving.

Mr. Cyril Kramer, President of the District Court at Zurzach / Switzerland.

Mr. Marbet Guido, Head of Justice,
Mrs Plüss Franziska, Chief Judge, Vice-President
Mr. Sigg Christian, Court President

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen.
Deliberately a boar mother and her three piglets were driven to death on a corn field in the municipality of Böttstein, Aargau, Switzerland. 

Mr Valentin Stocker from Böttstein Switzerland who has brutally killed the animals,  is now accused by the public prosecutor with four times animal cruelty and animal murder.
I the undersigner demand maximum punishment for Mr Valentin Stocker for this barbaric act !!
P.S. Moreover, it is important to withdraw his driving license as a preventive protection, because of public danger and reckless driving.

Actualizar #3hace 8 años
Success !
Thanks to all supporters ….
Rarely such a high sentence was pronounced for a offence against the Animal Welfare Act !!
At the court hearing - Boar killer Valentin Stocker - the offender was found guilty on all accuse. Sentenced to 18 months in prison and fined for 13´000 US.
We have pushed this case from the beginning on with several petitions , in social media and in the press. Certainly the reason for the enormous media presence at the court meeting !
We have created an example ….
Actualizar #2hace 8 años

Rarely such a high sentence was pronounced for a offence against the Animal Welfare Act !!
At the court hearing - Boar killer Valentin Stocker - the offender was found guilty on all accuse. Sentenced to 18 months in prison and fined for 13´000 US.
We have pushed this case from the beginning on with several petitions , in social media and in the press. Certainly the reason for the enormous media presence at the court meeting !
We have created an example - many thanks to all supporters ....
Actualizar #1hace 9 años
The killing of a Wild Boar Family in Böttstein Switzerland, comes to trial at March 23 - therefore we need more signatures !!
The defandant Valentin Stocker is accused of:
- multiple animal cruelty, multiple
- offenses against hunting and protection of wildmammals
- multiple violation of hunting law
- violation of traffic rules.
Please share this VIP petition to get more signatures - thanks !
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