Demand that Connecticut DEEP Not Euthanize Two Black Bears in The Sessions Woods Trails in Burlington!

These young bears were just living in their natural habitat when a hiker was "followed" by two bears. She claims the bears were aggressive and one of them tried to bite her leg. If you watch the video, you can see that the bear was very curious, and was sniffing her leg, using its Jacob's Organ, that is in the roof of the mouth, that further enhances their sense of smell. That is all this bear was doing...smelling her.

It was curious like a child is curious. She continued to engage the one bear by talking to it and continued to videotape this encounter. If she had just continued on, and not engaged these bears they would have left her alone. Or, if she was that concerned for her safety, she should have made herself appear larger, yelled, whatever it takes to get them to move on. Truly, if these bears wanted to attack her, they would have done so. The Connecticut DEEP has a penchant for killing wild animals when they are even seen by a resident. Please help keep these bears around!!

link to video

Dear Commissioner Klee,

Please reconsider the killing of the two bear cubs that were videotaped by a hiker in the trails in Burlington.  These bears were just being curious and living in their natural habitat, or what is left of it.  We keep enchroaching on their land, to the point that in the future there will be very little wildlife left in Connecticut, especially when residents contact your organization the minute they see a wild animal.  For some reason DEEP likes to kills wild animals.  Perhaps if people would just let them be, and keep about their business, these animals would have a chance.  That bear did not try to bite the hiker.  It was just bringing in more of her scent by using it's Jacob's Organ.  Of course the picture looks like it's a ferocious animal, when in reality it was being as curious as a two year old child.  We are living in a world where everything is being taken out of proportion, even wildlife.  It's such a shame. 

I ask you once again, please do not kill these beautiful bears.  If you must, relocate them.  Hell, bring them to Vermont if need be.  

Thank you for your time.

Actualizar #2hace 9 años
I'm sorry to tell you all this....The bears were euthanized. Please see link below. I'm heartbroken! This saddens me to no end. I want to thank each and every one of you who signed this petition. This is only the beginning. This will happen again, and when it does, I will start another petition. Sending you all light, love and peace.
Details at
Actualizar #1hace 9 años
I just forwarded all of our signatures to the Commissioner of DEEP and to the Governor. Let's keep our fingers crossed!! Thank you everyone!!!
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