Petition to get all fast food companies to scrap plastic straws and start using biodegradable straws!

  • al: Bethany Cowie
  • destinatario: Macdonalds, KFC, Burger King, Subway, Pizza Hut,

After the last few weeks of watching Blue Planet 2 it has really opened my eyes about the damage us as humans are causing to the environment and our wildlife. Plastic pollution in our oceans is a BIG problem that needs to be acted on before its too late. All fast food companies use plastic straws and when you think about the amount that are handed out with meals every day of every month and every year its kind of scary to think about where all them straws end up! (our ocean and surrounding environment) by doing something as simple as changing plastic straws to biodegradable straws it could really help our environment and save our wildlife. I am starting this petition with hope that people will sign it and share so together we can all try and save our beautiful planet. After all it is no ones fault but our own that this is happening and why should innocent animals have to suffer because of US.

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