Charlotte's Place - Please take foie gras off your menu

It's very disappointing and saddening to see that foie gras is being served at Charlotte's Place.

The production of foie gas involves immense suffering. A bird raised for foie gras endures daily force-feedings through a thick pipe crammed down his throat, so that massive amounts of food can be pumped into his stomach. The purpose is to disease their livers which swell up to 10 times the size they are meant to be. This is incredibly painful for them.

Birds are likely to suffer infections, painful wounds to their beak and throat, and their legs won’t be able to hold them up. The fact that the production of foie gras is illegal in the UK speaks volumes, but restaurants still order imports from foie gras farms abroad.

An undercover investigation of foie gras production can be viewed here:

By purchasing foie gras, Charlotte's Place is unfortunately encouraging this torture and cruelty. Please tell Charlotte's Place to stop selling it by signing this petition.

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