Superheroes are menaces to our city. They disturb the peace, rudely interject themselves into the business of others, and escalate private confrontations. Not to mention they pepper spray citizens. Sadly, our cities are no longer protected by our once respected police force, but by tormented, delusional freaks in masks.
We mustn't stand and watch as our cities are overrun by mask wearing, hobo snitches gallivanting around with a bunch of nerds in tights. Superheroes worldwide must disintegrate. For far too long our nation has gone along with real life superhero shenanagins - and now the time has come for this childish charade to become illegal.
Real life superheroes are doing more harm then good and I'm betting a sensible, sane majority would agree with me and The Social Villains Alliance. Superheroes are a nuisances, problem children, snitches, and fakes. Help outlaw superhero vigilantism today.
- Rex Velvet | The People's Villain
The Social Villains Alliance