Massachusetts has an enviable state endangered species act (MESA) which protects 176 animal and 256 native plant species, according to a recent article in Metro West Daily News. Now developers want to disembowel that act.
S1854 is a proposed bill, currently before the Massachusetts General Court, that would basically kill the act's ability to protect the natural resources it was designed to protect. Called "An Act Relative to Land Takings," the bill would make it difficult for the Division of Fisheries and Wildlife to do its job and would reverse protections of open and wild spaces. Open spaces are critical to quality of life and the continuation of animal populations. This bill, if passed, would be a disaster.
Tell Massachusetts General Court to vote "no" on S1854 and let the state's endangered species act continue to do its job!
We the undersigned ask that you vote "no" on S1854.
S1854 is the brain child a few short-sighted developers who don't care about saving the environment for their own grandchildren. It is an attack on the state's endangered species act (MESA) which protects so many native plants and animals. To disembowel MESA would be a terrible mistake. Many plants and animals hover on the brink of extinction, and only a few laws, like MESA, are protecting them.
Don't sacrifice the future for the short-term profit of a few greed heads! Don't let developers tear down the MESA!