DCFS in every state seems to be corrupt, but I have personal experience with Illinois. Even the inspector general isn't doing their job to stop the wrongdoings of caseworkers in my state. Caseworkers are still wrongfully taking children who are not abused nor neglected, refusing to place them with family members, and instead placing them in foster care because they want their adoption incentives when they decide to lie and ruin your life and adopt out your child. My own caseworker committed over 30 wrongdoings, violations of rights, and broken laws and nobody did anything. The same judge did my appeal when I appealed, even though it was supposed to be a different judge, but nobody cared. I am sick of DCFS tearing innocent families apart and ruining children's lives for their own monetary gain. I am not fighting to shut them down because there are abused children out there (though DCFS seems to leave them in the abusive home because I guess they are not as adoptable as non-abused children?) But they need to change. The corruption needs to stop. And honestly, the monetary incentives for adoption out foster children need to stop because that is what is causing most of the corruption it seems. Money. Always about money. Aside from the adoption incentives the agencies receive, foster parents get money monthly to care for the children, which I can understand, but did you know people who adopt foster children also can receive money monthly to care for the child? When that child is supposed to become their child at that point, they are still given monthly stipends, yet DCFS preys on poor families instead of helping THEM keep their children. So, if you want to see a change in DCFS and the stopping of corruption, please sign this petition. I won't give up. I am fighting til the end. Fight with me.

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