Animals in this country are slowly dying out- from hunting, habitat destruction,-
and animal auctions.
Animals need wide open space to hunt, take care of young, and a have healthy ecosystem around them. When animals that move a lot and can't adapt to climate change like cheetahs, tigers, wolves, and some fish, they start to die out.
Animals need our help to survive, but not by being caged. Animals start to die around humans, especially if they are forced to be auctioned.
This world used to be animal dominant- no humans to murder them, destroy their homes or force them on a dinner plate. But now in a human dominant world, we are really taking over.
If you sign this petition, you can help animals make a comeback, instead of being caged in someone's backyard. So help make difference, and stop for selling endangered animals!
Its not right to auction wild animals to just any citizen. Animals need to roam free, and have wide open space so they can help in the circle of life, not to help you make a couple hundred bucks.
So please consider what you are doing to animals in your community. Animals breath like us; they feel like us- so think about their hearts. Animals need their voice in this world as well.