Prosecute Man With Federal Charges For Dog Fighting Involvement

  • al: Sue Lee
  • destinatario: Akron, Ohio Law Enforcement & Judicial System

Please sign and share this petition in an attempt to continue our fight against dog fighting rings. Other guys involved in this investigation have already been captured and are facing federal charges and we believe this new guy in Akron should also face the same charges after he was brought into authorities.

During the recent holidays, police raided the home of a Mr. Robbie Hollis of Akron, Ohio and removed five dogs from his premises. The guy is said to be a part of an expansive dog fighting ring in the area where several others are already in custody and facing federal charges.

Dogs rescued from this home were four pit bulls and a Shepherd mix, all living in unsanitary conditions with no access to food or water. All the animals were outside when seized, were underweight and had sores on their body. In the home, officers also found harnesses, a treadmill, Muscle-up powder to build up the animals' muscles and pieces of hide; all things used for dogs in these fighting rings.

We want to ensure that Mr. Hollister is faced with the same federal charges as the others in this large dog fighting ring and that our efforts will help to put an end to dog fights! Sign and share this petition everywhere possible and stop these monsters from using animals in such despicable ways that is harmful and abusive!

Akron, Ohio Law Enforcement & Judicial System - Mr. Robbie Hollis of Akron, Ohio also needs to be slapped with federal charges along with all the others in this massive dog fighting ring and be severely punished in an attempt to put an end to these practices. Until all these guys are stopped (and permanently banned from owning, caring or being near an animal permanently) these dog fighting rings will continue. Take whatever steps are necessary to ensure the end of dog fights starting with those in this dog fighting ring, including Mr. Hollis!

Akron, Ohio Law Enforcement & Judicial System - Mr. Robbie Hollis of Akron, Ohio also needs to be slapped with federal charges along with all the others in this massive dog fighting ring and be severely punished in an attempt to put an end to these practices. Until all these guys are stopped (and permanently banned from owning, caring or being near an animal permanently) these dog fighting rings will continue. Take whatever steps are necessary to ensure the end of dog fights starting with those in this dog fighting ring, including Mr. Hollis!

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