Force Super Majority Vote in Planning & Zoning Commission on 170 ft Zone Change Amendment

The landowners of Canton protest the proposed text amendment to Section 8.4.C. of Canton's Planning and Zoning Regulations concerning Towers and Antennas submitted by the Town of Avon (File No. 156; Application No. 1941).

The amendments, if allowed, will:

  1. Increase the maximum height of towers and antennas requiring a special permit from 80 ft. to 170 ft. throughout Canton; and

  2. Permit towers to fall onto neighboring property. 

Pursuant to Connecticut General Statute § 8-3(b) and Section 9.3.C.5. of Canton's Planning and Zoning Regulations, if a protest against the proposed text amendment is filed at or before the Commission hearing, signed by the owners of 20% or more of the total acreage of Canton, the change shall not be adopted except by a two-thirds majority vote of all Commission members. 

If an amendment to Canton's Zoning Regulations is to be undertaken at all, it should be decided by supermajority vote particularly where, as here, the action is protested by Canton landowners.  Increasing the maximum height of towers and antennas from 80 feet to 170 feet in Canton is a drastic change (a change Avon has been unwilling to make to its own regulations which restrict towers to 70 feet and foreclose new towers from being built in Avon).  Permitting towers to fall on adjacent properties is not only troubling, it is seemingly unconstitutional. 

Please SIGN THE PETITION to express your protest to Avon's proposed text amendments to Canton's Planning & Zoning Regulation, § 8.4.C. inorder to force a supermajority vote. Note that YOU MUST INCLUDE YOUR NAME AND PRIMARY ADDRESS so we know you are a Canton Landowner. 

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