Rainsville, AL Rescuer - Help Carrol Save Her Dogs

Carrol is in dire need of help with her animals.  She lives in a rural farming community on 5 acres of her grandparents home place.  Carrol has dedicated the last 10yrs. of her life rescuing neglected, abused homeless cats and dogs.  She lives on a meager Eastern Airlines retirement and Social Security Disability.

The mayor and city now want her shelter abolished despite the fact that there is no ordinance as to how many pets a person can have and there is no leash law.  The city has taken her to court and won.  The judge has ruled that she can have no more than 3 pets.

Please visit here to find more details of Carrol's story.  It is heart touching and anyone who loves animals can not help but be moved to action.


We are asking that the city officials at least give Carol the time needed to place the remaining 78 animals, out of 100, so that they will be safe and not destroyed.
We the undersigned are writing on behalf of Carrol Crocker and the remaining 78 animals in her care.  Rescue groups nationwide are working in a coordinated effort to transfer these homes to other rescue groups who will care for them and find them a permanent loving home. 

We ask that you will give these rescue groups time to complete this task.  We feel that it is the least you can do for Carrol who has lost her home to a fire, and who now is losing the animals she has loved and cared for as her own family all these years. 
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