BAN Live Animals as Key Rings...

This was brought to my attention by a good friend and animal activist Miss Leslie Colon. I don't know how to put this into words... Key Rings are being sold on the streets of China with LIVE animals sealed in bags... Yes they are sealed in bags to die, there is no air, no food, they say there are nutrients in the bag, but lets be honest its coloured water... Kids are buying these, adults are buys these for luck.... For LUCK after the death of an innocent animal the luck fairy pays these people a visit... This is what I am talking about... 

Its hard to look at that small, innocent Brazilian turtle, knowing that soon it will die and they will buy more and this is the new craze in China, so soon thousands will be dying, so if we can please lets get thousands of signatures and let them know that we care, we will stand and we will fight.... They have no animal protection laws at all in China unless its for wildlife, lets ask for a change.... Talk with your heart, your soul and lets get this fight started..... 

I never want to see this again on any street anywhere in the world... Stand and fight this, get the word out and pass it a long to all that you know, with respect always James Howie.... 

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