End Battery Hen Farms in Australia

Battery frams are the most vile, cruel and dirty places possible. To subject poor hens to live there entire, short lives within tiny cages is so sad and discusting. If the UK can ban Battery farms so can Australia!

Dear Australian Goverment, 
We must end Battery hen farming and chicken crulety.

Battery hens for the production of eggs suffer largely. These hens live their whole lives in cages less than the size of an A4 peice of paper. Many chickens are deformed and broken. Feet, wings and necks are stiff and deformed. Hens have their necks rubbing against the wires while feeding causing feather loss and skin abrasion. 

The 'meat' chickens are packed into sheds by the tens of thousands. They live their short 5 weeks of live in misery. most will suffer such things as 'breast blisters' casued from the faeces left accumulate. Its duscusting, cruel and needs to end.

A nation and it's moral progress can be judged on the way it treats it's animals"-Mahatma Gandi.

Battery farming must end. If the UK can ban it, so can we!

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