Demand the people responsible for beating a Pomeranian to death be punished.

On August 7th, 2015, a small Pomeranian named Fox disappeared from his Pembroke Pines Florida home. His owner's girlfriend let Fox out, and he never returned, alive that is. The following morning a neighbor knocked on Fox's owners door to show him the Pomeranians lifeless body not far from the house with a note on top of him saying; Lol, we beat it to death. A vet who performed the autopsy reported that the little dog was likely kicked to death, as he suffered 10 broken ribs, a broken back, and numerous broken teeth. These perpetrators need to be punished to the fullest extant of the law to ensure they are never allowed to repeat this brutality ever, ever again.

Mayor frank C. Otis and Cheif of Police Dan Giustino: We demand justice for this innnocent dog who was brutally beaten to death by unknown perpetrators in Pembroke Pines Florida. We ask that the guilty party, or parties, when found be charged to the fullest extant of the law, and prosecuted accordingly with no leniency.

Actualizar #5hace 9 años
Thank you to all who have signed the petition to get justice for Foxx the Pomeranian murdered by unknown perpetrators. We are so close to our goal of 1000 signatures, we just need one extra push to get there. Please share this, and reshare, so that we can let everyone in the Pembroke Pines area know that they have our full support, and that we will always be vigilant against animal abusers!
Actualizar #4hace 9 años
Thanks to all who have signed, but we still need to get the word out to other's who haven't heard about Foxx. Please share with your social media friends so that we can send this petition to the Pembroke Pines Police department, and show our support catching these people!
Actualizar #3hace 9 años
Thank you to everyone who signed the petition to punish those responsible for beating Foxx, the Pomeranian to death. We are so very close to achieving our goal of 1000 signatures, and we need your help to accomplish this! !
Cathy Sanders
Actualizar #2hace 9 años
Hi everyone,
thanks for signing the petition to bring justice for Foxx, the Pomeranian. We are a little past the halfway mark at 600= signatures, and need 400 more to achieve our goal of 1000 prior to September 30th. We need to keep interest high, and send a strong, and clear message to animal abusers that we will not as a society tolerate these injustices to animals. Thanks for you continuous support, and please share on social media, and with your friends.
Cathy Sanders
Actualizar #1hace 9 años
Thanks to everyone who has signed the petition for Foxx, the beautiful little Pom who was beaten to death. We are halfway to our goal of 1000 signatures, please share with others on Facebook, and twitter to help us reach our goal! Also a Facebook page justice for Foxx has been started up for anyone interested in the status, and most recent updates of this crime.
Thanks again.
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