tell Costco to change to the better chicken commitment,

    I am Stephanie Peron. There is a undercover investigation video is documented by one of the Mercy For Animals undercover investigators. The undercover investigator found the chickens are bred to grow too large and too fast. there are the chickens are laying in their own waste. There are the chickens are too large who cannot stand up on their own weight. there are the chickens cannot walk. there are the chickens die from their body parts are a miscarriage.

    there are the chickens have the injuries are still open with no medical treatment. There are the chickens have the cracked bones. there are the chickens have the warped necks and the beaks. There are the chickens are decaying. There are the chickens have really sick lives.

    All of you have the power to tell Costco to change to the better chicken commitment gives the chickens a bit better lives with Mercy For Animals and me. All of you can tell Costco all of you will boycott Costco if Costco does not change to the better chicken commitment.
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