Tell Congress: Refuse "No Taxpayer Funding For Abortion Act"

The "No Taxpayer Funding For Abortion Act" would permanently ban any government funding for being used for any abortion procedure. It even bars federal tax credits and subsidies being given to private insurance companies that provide abortion coverage, in effect penalizing companies for insuring a legal medical procedure.  

We are asking members of the U.S. House of Representatives to vote against this bill.
We the undersigned respectfully ask you to vote against H.R. 3, the "No Taxpayer Funding For Abortion Act."

This bill goes beyond banning federal money being used directly for abortions -- the Hyde Amendment already does that -- to in effect penalize private insurance companies for providing comprehensive health coverage. It does not provide exceptions for women receiving subsidized health insurance whose health may be seriously harmed by carrying a pregnancy to term if their lives are not in danger; it provides no provision for women receiving subsidized insurance if their fetus has a serious anomaly.

We understand that many of you, Democrat and Republican, are anti-abortion. We ask that you, too, vote against this bill. H.R. 3 will not end abortion, but it will do financial, psychological, and in some cases physical damage to women who cannot afford the procedure without insurance.

Women don't choose abortion lightly. They deserve to have this procedure covered by their insurance policies without penalty. We support women's rights to reproductive care, including abortion, and we believe that this bill places an undue burden on their access to this legal medical procedure.

Please vote "No" on H.R. 3. Thank you for your time.
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