EPA, Make Frackers Come Clean on Chemicals

EPA has been way too slack on frackers!

Halliburton and other frackers have injected into the ground over 32 million gallons of diesel fuel, composed of highly toxic chemicals like benzene, toluene and xylene, says a senate investigation. 

Even though Congress, in 2005, allowed hydraulic fracturing companies a general exemption from EPA regulation under the Clean Water Act (called the Halliburton Loophole), this does not cover the use of diesel.

EPA claims injecting the diesel was done without its knowledge, and frackers continue to claim, despite evidence otherwise, that the chemicals don’t spread to groundwater.

But a new study by an independent hydrogeologist says rock permeability and the fracking process, itself, could allow chemicals to reach the surface within a few years! 

Given the secrets and lies surrounding this pernicious process, it's past time for EPA to crack down on frackers..

Tell EPA to make frackers come clean on chemicals use NOW.

We, the undersigned, believe the EPA has been way too slack on frackers.

There is no excuse for allowing powerful companies like Halliburton to get away with taking advantage of the public and the Clean Water Act.

Not only should EPA severely fine these companies for their violations, it should restrict and/or end their ability to further profit from this process. And, EPA should at once demand that all companies involved in hydraulic fracturing (fracking) release to EPA and the Public, all chemicals and quantities used, with no exemptions for proprietary formulas, etc.

We ask also that you take into account the recent study showing the likelihood that these chemicals will contaminate groundwater and in far less time than previously estimated.

Make these companies come clean on fracking chemicals, now!

Thank you for your attention to these very serious concerns.

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