Require All Dogs To Be Kept On Leashes To Protect Wildlife!

"'Horrible' footage shows a kangaroo being mauled by a dog at a beach before the canine chases it into the water as onlookers watch in horror." - The Daily Mail

Add your name if you want to help protect defenseless wildlife from nightmare scenarios like this!

"A kangaroo almost drowned at a popular beach after being chased and attacked by a dog that pushed its head underwater.

"The kangaroo was spotted at Fisherman's Beach at Torquay, south-west of Melbourne, on Sunday morning as a brown kelpie began chasing after the marsupial.

"Genene Priest filmed the moment the kangaroo made its way into the water to escape the dog, which was not on a leash.

"'[The kangaroo] came along the beach so swiftly and suddenly from behind, that I'm sure the owner of the dog who swam in couldn't have seen it before their dog did,' she wrote on Facebook.

"'The dog and kangaroo were both shocked, and reacted like typical animals do.'

"The kangaroo remained in the water away from harm before the kelpie jumped into the water and swam towards him.

"When the dog reached the kangaroo, he attacked the large marsupial and at one point pushed his head below the surface of the water.

"The kelpie swam back to shore and the kangaroo struggled to stay afloat.

"Eventually the kangaroo hopped out of the water before another dog, a border collie, chased it on the sand.

"'The other two dogs had just arrived and when the kangaroo bounded out of the water and bolted right past them, the border collie just chased to round it up, not attack! The little dog was just curious,' Ms Priest wrote," reported the same source.

Dogs will do what dogs do. They're just following their instincts.

The fault lies with the dog owner.

Watching wildlife run for their lives - and potentially lose their life from drowning in the process - isn't fun. It isn't a sport. It isn't entertainment.

It's cruelty.

That's why we need to enforce strict punishments against dog owners who don't keep their dogs on leashes in places where their animals could interact with wildlife, such as the beach.

We're asking the Lord Mayor and Councillors of Melbourne, Australia to step up and take responsibility for resolving this issue.

We demand that they make leashes mandatory in all places in their jurisdiction where dogs could come in contact with wildlife, and put in place strict punishments for those who don't follow the rules.

Don't you want to help protect animals?

Then add your name to ask the Lord Mayor and Councillors of Melbourne, Australia to do the right thing!

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