• al: Patricia Julian
  • destinatario: People of Grant County, Indiana; Mayor Wayne Seybold; VOTERS of GRANT COUNTY, INDIANA; James Luttrell, Prosecuting Attorney of Marion, Indiana; Grant County Sheriff's Office; & ANIMAL LOVERS;

A picture is worth a thousand words..

Please, sign this petition to help raise awareness of this situation and, MAYBE we can save other animals from the same kinda outcome?!! He's NOT my animal... I could've just passed by the picture. I could have the attitude that "it's NOT MY PROBLEM!"... But, in this world some things need to become OUR PROBLEM!!!" I "adopt" King Justice as my Stand Against Animal Injustice... Won't you adopt him too??!!

There has been reports of this animal, "KING JUSTICE" (I named him this to show he will be fought for, I don't know his true name), being in a sickly state.

The fact is the equine in question had been seen by a specialist, and was under Veterinary care for its sickness. The owner attempted to provide medication but was unsuccessful.(Marion Animal Care and Control)

I've made a few statements, as well as others, and our questions have not truly been answered.

Information pertaining to the case was not released due to the investigation being active. (MACC)

The citizens of Grant County, Indiana are not happy about this situation! All kinds of comments can be seen:

News Channels have shown interest in this story (WISH-TV, Channel 8, actually did a report)...

Radio Station is talking about it. But, it seems to NOT have the proper channels-- King Justice and his fellow animal "friends" need to have something done about this situation. Others have made comments about another equine incident from previous months. THIS HAS GOT TO BE STOPPED!!!

I don't know the exact things to do but, maybe IF we start this petiton ... SOME ONE will realize that this needs to be taken care of?!!! There have been people who have stated they believe the horse was shot & killed.

Representatives with the Indiana State Board of Health, Marion Animal Care and Control and the Grant County Sheriff’s Department on Monday were at a field at 0398 S. 500E south of Ind. 18, following up on reports from neighbors Sunday night that a horse on the property was emaciated.

I feel as if this is being brushed under the proverbial "rug" because of elections coming up. Or, because someone is afraid that they will get noticed that they didn't do their job. I looked up things online and for the State of Indiana Board of Animal Health to become involved--

The Board of Animal Health has limited jurisdiction in animal abuse and neglect matters and will only get involved after written request from law enforcement officials or after a court order has been issued.

To report a case of animal neglect or abuse: Contact the local animal control agency for the jurisdiction, if there is one (not all cities/counties have official animal control). In the absence of an animal control agency, contact the local sheriff's department or police agency to report. These agencies must submit an official request for the assistance of the Board of Animal Health.

It doesn't say WHAT to do IF you feel like the departments aren't complying. As of right now, the owner has been questioned (they offer full cooperation with the Animal Care and Control and Grant County Sheriff's Department). Officials conducting a welfare check on horses at a Grant County property say they found no wrongdoing on the part of the animal owner. There are NO CHARGES being filed...

King Justice needs to have SOMETHING done!!! He was a living BEING!!! IF this was a child, would it go unnoticed??!!!

I "adopt" King Justice as my Stand Against Animal Injustice... Won't you adopt him too??!!

This Petition is due to stop on December 13, 2014- NATIONAL HORSE DAY in the USA (IF You would like for it to continue, just let me know, And, I'll do what is necessary).

IF You make a comment on this petition, I will post it onto the Face Book page I have of this; IF You do NOT want to be named in your comment, please, let me know your name, your signature number & that you do NOT want to be included, I will do my best to make sure you remain anonymous.

Please, please take a minute to look at this horse, "KING JUSTICE" and show him that SOME ONE does care about his life and his death?!!

It may only be a miute of your time but it might bring justice for him & other "neglected" animals.

I do appreciate it, from the bottom of my heart. Because I think of this animal being a mere colt, some mama's little one, at one time... Shouldn't he get noticed?! Shouldn't justice be done to help him and other's who seem to fall through because some people just don't care about animals? Or, because it's "not my problem?!!"

"You can change the world with one thought,... one action,... one voice!!!"

THANK YOU for making that step... THANK YOU for "adopting" KING JUSTICE as your Stand Against Animal Injustice!!!

Actualizar #4hace 10 años
2 hours ago Another emaciated horse has died on the property on 500 E, the same place that King Justice & Baby Justice died in April. Marion Animal Control was contacted on September 20th and notified that there were animals in poor condition on this property. How many more are going to have to die there before the authorities do something?!?!
Actualizar #3hace 10 años
A group of people are trying to raise $250 to post a banner in Marion, IN. It is a 4' X 8' banner. It is a reminder to the citizens of the injustice of the death of this horse and others. It can not be a tax deduction donation as we are an independent group. Please send to King Justice in care of MGCHS, P.O. Box 1921, Marion, IN 46952. If any money is left over it will be used for the recognition of King Justice. Take a Stand Against Animal Injustice-"ADOPT" KING Justice
Actualizar #2hace 10 años
Now a Facebook page for this petition! (it's the same as before just easier to get to!)

Please "like" it. Feel free to add input and discuss things about this situation. We all have a common bond--ANIMAL INJUSTICE!!!

Thank YOU for signing the petition. Please SHARE it with ALL you know. Please be reminded that IF You comment on the petition, it is copied and added to the Face Book page, as well.
Actualizar #1hace 10 años
I have now started a page dedicated to this cause on Facebook, please feel free to come join, offer advice on getting the word out, share.
Lets show KING JUSTICE he does/did matter!!!
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