Save Historic Hangar S

Hangar S holds a significant place in US space history. Constructed by the Department of Defense and Army Corps of Engineers in 1956, for the Vanguard Project, NASA acquired Industrial Area S for Project Mercury in 1959. Hangar S served NASA for over fifty years through the Space Race and to the end of the Shuttle Program.

Today, Hangar S is a monument to the pioneers of space exploration including scientists, engineers, technicians, physicians, contractors, and others who as a part of the Space Task Group achieved the Free Worlds first manned orbital flight. Help persuade NASA and the US Air Force to vacate the demolition order and find a fitting use for this historic building. Sign the petition requesting NASA and the US Air Force remove Hangar S from NASA's demolition list and preserve this structure for future generations.

Actualizar #1hace 11 años
NASA has completed a review of facilities at Cape Canaveral. They found an historic district exists including Hangar S. Hangar S was also found individually eligible because it played a significant role in NASA's preflight operations in Project Mercury. NASA’s 11th hour acknowledgement of Hangar S historic designation does not preclude demolition so continued public input is critical. Please spread the word, sign the petition and visit the to read the entire NASA letter.
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