Stop Overfishing Before the World's Oceans Collapse

  • al: Anonymous
  • destinatario: World Trade Organization

Many governments are paying their fishing fleets to fish longer, harder, and farther than would otherwise be possible. If this level of fishing continues, the fish we eat today could be gone within our lifetimes.

More than a billion people rely on the oceans for their main source of protein. What will happen to these people if the ocean is empty?

U.S. leadership is needed more now than ever before. Leading scientists project that the world's commercial fish populations could be beyond recovery within decades if current trends continue. The United States must send a clear signal that a genuine "win" on fisheries subsidies remains a core priority of its international trade agenda.

We need stricter limits on the billions of dollars of government subsidies that are driving the world's oceans to collapse. Take action and urge the World Trade Organization to put a limit on fishery subsidies.

Some people obviously rely on fish as their diet, but overfishing could mess up this entire system Currently, over-fishing is affecting food chains in the ocean, which affects coral reefs, because there aren't enough fish to control algae growth. Too much algae suffocates the coral. Coral help us in ways we dont even know. They break waves to prevent tsunami's, and contain cures to many diseases such as asthma, arthritis, small cell cancer, and also contain calcium carbonate which is used to strengthen bones. 

In coastal areas, there needs to be safe catch limits on the total number of fish caught by a fishery. Control of bypass to prevent unintentional killing and disposal of fish and crusteceans. Protection of pristine and important habitats, which are the key parts in an ecosystem that need full protection. A monitoring system needs to be set up to make sure fishermen don't catch more than the limit. We need politicians to enforce these laws.

We can do some things to help, although not much. Be aware of what you eat, and avoid fish like salmon, tuna and shark. 

Thank you your support is appreciated! Please help save the coral reefs! 

Williams Energy and Dow chemicals are dumping dioxing that end up in the ocean, and kill off the marine life and coral reefs, which are vital for us humans. Please sign this petition to try and make a difference!

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