Stop! Horse Racing! Drugs Deception and death!

  • al: Fabio Borando
  • destinatario: Please write to: The Justice Department by animal rights American and The Justice Department by animal rights United Kingdom

If you love animals; Please do not bet on any RACE HORSE either in the US or UK!

This is what life is like for racehorses who are chronically drugged by trainers in order to mask their pain and make them run faster.

All this, just so their owners and trainers can win money or fame.

“We witnessed a horse so sore it hurt him even to stand, thyroid medication dumped into horses’ daily feed, and horses who had been blistered in a bizarre attempt to stimulate healing. Even at this top level of racing, the syringe is the top training tool, and if the horses get out alive, they’re broken.”

Many if not all horses in Asmussen’s New York stable were given thyroxine, a powerful drug that treats hypothyroidism. Horses may not have needed the drug―they may have been given it solely to “juice them up” and push them beyond their natural capabilities.

A horse’s legs were burned with liquid nitrogen, according to one trainer, and other horses’ legs were blistered with chemical paint, purportedly to stimulate blood flow to their sore legs but leaving multiple scars.

Horses were also given muscle relaxants, sedatives, and other potent pharmaceuticals―treatments designed for ailments such as ulcers, lameness, and inflammation―at times when they had no apparent symptoms.

Horses are reportedly sometimes electro-shocked with concealed buzzers to make them run faster.

One horse, Nehro (who came in second in the 2011 Kentucky Derby), was forced to run with chronically painful hooves that actually had holes in them and that were held together with superglue.


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